nedelja, 19. julij 2009

My cat... pictures

Now here are Sony's pictures(Sony is my cat)... :D

torek, 7. julij 2009

My new cat

I just got a new cat and I named her Sony. She is very hyperactive and cute. She has this dot on her belly and when you try to rub her belly she growls so funny that you can't do anything to stop laughing... Ah yes I forgot to describe her. She has orange fur, with creme paws and short tail... It's so cute... :D

petek, 3. julij 2009


How I wish... How I wish to go to Metal Camp just to watch Nightwish... But I can't go because in my mum's opinion I'm too young... I have to say that I kinda agree with her but I mean someone could go with me and I wouldn't go alone. She is afraid I would be raped or drugged by someone and sometimes she is driving me crazy with her worries... Still she could go with me just to watch Nightwish because we live in Slovenia and I wouldn't be raped or something. But I think that when I will have kids I will be just as scared about their well-being like my mum is now. Ah I guess I will just have to go and watch Nightwish next time when they are in Slovenia or Croatia(maybe).